Saturday, September 19, 2009

tagged by ah jac~><"""


(1) 请老实的回答每一个问题。

(2) 不行擅自塗改題目。

(3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点。

(4) 点完后请通知那10位小朋友他被点到了。

♥ 被点到的:

1.sze yen


3.michelle tan xc





8.winnie tang

9.xiao han ying


01 - [ 4号认识6号吗? ]:: i thk nope

2 - [ 10号是男还是女? ]::gal

3 - [ 8号的兴趣是? ]:: listen song?

04 - [ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ]:: 1 sis

05 - [ 7号姓氏? ]:: chang

06 - [ 10号人缘好吗? ]:: quite good~?

07 - [ 4号有人追吗? ]:: gt many?

08 - [ 承上2号呢? ]:: hmm?

09-[ 6号喜欢的颜色是? ]:: light blue?

10-[ 3号和10号是朋友吗? ]:: mb?

11-[ 8号的生日是? ]::2604

12-[ 5号读哪呢? ]:: tarc

13-[ 你怎么认识10号的? ]:: friend's sis

14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ]:: 6 month n 9 days

15-[ 你和9号有出去玩过吗? ]::yup

16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ]:: ok lo~like to zat her~^^

17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ]:: yes if she 1 me lo~

18-[ 你觉得7号人怎么样? ]:: nice sis~^^

19-[ 你觉得9号人怎么样? ]:: nice n friendly gal as knw long time ago

20-[ 你爱5号吗? ]:: yaler~kenji,i luv u ler~XP


1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的:: ah jac

2. 你们认识多久呢:: 2 yrs?

3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗::ok lo,like to zat her ~XP

4. 你与他(她)的关系是:: friend~

5. 你觉得他(她)的个性如何:: 豪爽

6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是:: sleep lo,she sure is pig~><


問 : 當你在更衣室沖水门忽然被打开了你会

答 : close back

問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了 你会

答 : hmm,take smtg to help her cover?(although mostly i jz walk away~)

問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具

答 : watermotor

問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝泳衣你会買吗

答 : wont,as i guy~direct jump inside lo.. wei~

問 : 会的。。

答 : ??

問 : 回去时发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的

答 : nokia?

問 : 海边对你來说是

答 : c sunset~^^

問 : 看到镜子会不由自主的向前吗

答 : yes~

問 : 经常用洗面乳吗

答 :dont knw?

問 : 说到自恋会想到谁

答 :many ppls n include myself

問 : 有人说该減肥了你会

答 :><",u say wer i fat 1st~

if u can say out n advise correctly,i belanja u go makan jogoya~

問 : 自恋 適合你吗?

答 : yea ^^v


badminton's mp

Today jz slept at 0400~
when i awaked,time almost running out~><
then i rushed n drove to skul~
luckily the mp havent started yet~
luckily i reached on time~
well,in short~
the shows still ok~
bt i quite enjoyed when all of us gathered together n chit chat,play games,eating n watch shows~
quite happie for tat~
anyway,thx to u guys~^^

*others jz c at my facebook yea~thx~

Sunday, September 6, 2009


my bio project finally is completed~

is a good news for me~^^

as i no nid go for catching bugs anymore~

save my times to enjoy sleeping~^^


the work is worth for us~
thx to my group members~XP

Thursday, September 3, 2009


well,i thk i gt 1 week havent refresh my blog spot~><
lately quite bz doing my studies' works~
hmm,bt still can handle i thk~

keep finding insects to catch~
lack of insects espically beetles n butterflies~
1 more n more~~

another exam might waiting for me soon~
havent study also~

well,this time monthly test till satisfied for me?><

jz passed for exam~><
cham lo~
nid finish all the ttn teacher's hws n also skul teacher's 1~

speaking had done till half
haiz,my pronoucation still the worst for me~
nid to alert to my grammar while speaking

holiday whole week can say in dream as feel tired then went to sleep~><
jz wasted~
had broken my promise~
anyway,good luck for me...
i waiting the beetles and butterflies come n find me~^^

mostly i will lazy to post a new post~
as i'm lazy guy~
who can change my attitude,i would pay for his or her lunch fees?XP

good luck to me
others who facing trials right nw~

like to b cold
as warm smtimes is useless~
throw awayz those feelings n
b a non feeling guy for 1 n half yrs~^^